Saturday, August 24, 2013

 Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank Job Circular &  Online Apply -2013
Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank is a specialized Bank which is established in 16 September 1995. Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank has been published Job Circular 2013. Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank published three category job Circular Senior Officer, Officer and Assistant Officer the Senior Officer, Officer post only apply Freedom Fighter Quota. The data provided by Bangladesh Economic Development Forum (BEDF) shows that calorie intake of around 33.7 (around 51 million) percent people of our country is below Kilo 2122 calorie, which means they live below poverty line. The information reveals that the target population of Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank is around 11 percent of total population of Bangladesh who live below poverty line. The information might be quite amazing, but it’s the hard fact. The information gives an idea how important the role of Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank would be in eradication of poverty in Bangladesh. In view of the above fact, it would never be unjustified to state that Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank has been playing a vital role in elimination of poverty in Bangladesh. Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank Job Circular 2013

Recruitment for the positions of Senior Officer / Officer / Assistant Officer new wer new new new new
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