Thursday, September 12, 2013

Comilla University Admission Test 2013-14 The University of Comilla has been published undergraduate admission notice 2013-14. The admission start will be— From September 10, 2013 to October 12, 2013. Comilla University also known as Comilla University is a public university located at Kotbari, Comilla, Bangladesh. The university was constructed on 50 acres (200,000 m2) of land at Lalmai Bihar, Moynamoti. Comilla University...
Comilla University Admission Test 2013-14 The University of Comilla has been published undergraduate admission notice 2013-14. The admission start will be— From September 10, 2013 to October 12, 2013. Comilla University also known as Comilla University is a public university located at Kotbari, Comilla, Bangladesh. The university was constructed on 50 acres (200,000 m2) of land at Lalmai Bihar, Moynamoti. Comilla University...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

 Bangladesh Agricultural University Admission Test 2013-14 Welcome to the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) online undergraduate application system. Thank you for choosing BAU to apply for your undergraduate studies. Bangladesh Agricultural University Admission Test 2013-14 Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) is the premier seat of higher agricultural education and research in the country. The main task of the university is to tone up the quality and standard of higher agricultural education and to produce first-rate...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Honours 2nd Year Result 2011   National University (NU) is a Government University of Bangladesh. National University is one of the largest public Universities in Bangladesh. National University conducted many of the courses such as academic course and also professional course. The academic course is Degree pass, Honours, Masters; also professional course is MBA, LLB, AMT, FDT, NMT etc. All courses are conducted by National University....

Sunday, August 25, 2013

9th NTRCA Teachers Registration Exam, Admit Card, Result 9th NTRCA Teachers Registration Exam, Admit Card, Result. Non-Government Teachers’ Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA), Ministry of Education, Govt of Bangladesh has invited applications from interested and efficient candidates for registration and certification for jobs number of posts in non-govt. educational institutions through 9th Teachers Registration Exam 2013. Admit...
 Chittagong University Of Engineering &    Technology Admission Circular Session 2013-14 |  Admission Notice 2013-2014: View   Download CUET Admission 2013-14 Apply Online. CUET Admission Notice 2013-14, CUET Admission  Seat Plan & CUET Admission Result 2013 will be found here. Chittagong University Of Engineering & Technology has published the admission...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

 Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank Job Circular &  Online Apply -2013 Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank is a specialized Bank which is established in 16 September 1995. Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank has been published Job Circular 2013. Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank published three category job Circular Senior Officer, Officer and Assistant Officer the Senior Officer, Officer post only apply Freedom Fighter Quota. The data provided by Bangladesh Economic Development Forum (BEDF) shows that calorie intake of around 33.7 (around 51 million) percent people...
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